Beautiful mix of annual summer flowers in coordinated shades of white. Can be used in the garden as a border or in pots. Combine with our bouquets in other colours to create stunning effects. The mix of different varieties means that there is always something in bloom throughout the season Most of the varieties are also suitable as cut flowers. The composition may vary slightly. Included are: Sweet alyssum white (Alyssum maritium) Toothpick plant (Ammi majus/visnaga) White annual clary (Salvia horminum) White cornflower (Centaurea cyanus) White clarkia (Clarkia amoena) White dwarf morning glory (Convolvulus tricolor) Cosmea ‚Sensation‘ white (Cosmos bipinnatus) White fied-larkspur (Delphinium consolida) White California poppy (Eschscholzia californica) White satin flower (Godetia grandiflora) Baby’s breath (Gypsophila elegans) White annual candytuft (Iberis amara) Annual mallow ‚Mont Blanc‘ (Lavatera trimestris) Five spot (Nemophila maculata) White marvel of Peru (Mirabilis jalapa) White love-in-a-mist (Nigella damascena) White cow herb (Saponaria vaccaria) White zinnia (Zinnia elegans) Seed mix white, enough for covering about 3 m²
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Información del fabricante: Magic Garden Seeds GmbH | Junkersstraße 7 | Ratisbona, Alemania, 93055 | |
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