El ají limón es probablemente la variedad más famosa de la especie de Capsicum baccatum, cuyos miembros se caracterizan particularmente por su vigor y sus altos rendimientos. Las plantas de esta especie alcanzan alturas de 150-200 cm en el primer año, crecen fuertemente ramificadas y pueden rendir hasta 100 frutos. Estos son estrechos, de paredes finas y tienen unos 4-6 cm de largo. Si se cultivan en macetas, las plantas permanecen un poco más pequeñas. Con 30.000-50.000 scoville, el ají limón pertenece a las variantes más intensas. Su sabor tiene un aroma afrutado, casi cítrico. Debido a las paredes finas, los frutos pueden utilizarse secos o frescos. Esta variedad de bacatum del Perú ha sido conocida en todo el mundo desde la década de 1990 por los nombres Lemon Drop o Lemon Aji. Todos estos nombres se deben al color amarillo de la fruta madura. Vale la pena mencionar las flores blancas, cuyos pétalos tienen un típico punto amarillo-verde en la base de la hoja.
Todas las clasificaciones:
Fruit setting Fruit is now setting nicely, looks like it should - pointy, elongated. But I knew it it would be the real deal once the flowers opened because of the distinctive green stripes on pettals. Taste test later in summer!
Fruit is now setting nicely, looks like it should - pointy, elongated. But I knew it it would be the real deal once the flowers opened because of the distinctive green stripes on pettals. Taste test later in summer!
Good germinator, but… … got cheated on the amount of seeds again. There were 9. Will update on what fruit they grow later!
… got cheated on the amount of seeds again. There were 9. Will update on what fruit they grow later!
Different from the promised variety We got the crop and the peppers were not what was described. They were rather round, pale yellow. No distinctive flavour, not citrusy, not spicy, not hot at all. The shrub itself is short about 40cm tall. A bit disappointed with the plant.
We got the crop and the peppers were not what was described. They were rather round, pale yellow. No distinctive flavour, not citrusy, not spicy, not hot at all. The shrub itself is short about 40cm tall. A bit disappointed with the plant.
Good germination 100% seed germination very hapy
100% seed germination very hapy
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